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Healingifts Herbs and Healing

Panax Ginseng Powder

Panax Ginseng Powder

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White or Panax Ginseng

Most revered in US and Asia, due to healthful benefits. It is considered as an adaptogen.Great to add in smoothies or teas, creating that energy boost and stamina . Touted to fight physical & mental stress. Also increases your mental performance. Considered to be "cooling".

 Origin: China

  • Supports energy and stamina
  • Fights physical & mental stress
  • Increases mental performance

Ginseng is the ideal tonic for the 21st century fast-paced lifestyle. Its beneficial compounds support energy, stamina and mental performance, especially during high stress situations. White Ginseng is considered to be “cooling” . Great for your heart, giving it a break, once in a while.

NOTE: Red or white Ginseng reflects the difference in traditional preparation methods. White Ginseng is unsteamed, retaining its natural color, and is a better choice for those needing a gentle energy boost. Red Ginseng is steam processed, resulting in a warmer, potent, stimulating root.

COMMON NAMES: Jenshen, Sang Root.

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