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Healingifts Herbs and Healing

Blessed Thistle Herb cut and sifted

Blessed Thistle Herb cut and sifted

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Blessed Thistle Herb cut and sifted Organic

Botanical Name: Cnicus benedictus

Common Names: Holy Thistle, Saint Benedict thistle, spotted thistle, bitter thistle, blessed cardus

Blessed thistle herb, or cnicus benedictus, is one of the most useful natural herbs in the botanical apothecary. When you are looking for bulk herbs for sale, blessed thistle herb should be near the top of your shopping list for its many different potential applications.

A little bit of blessed thistle herb goes a long way. Pregnant and nursing women should avoid blessed thistle herb altogether; those who are taking blood thinners should consult their primary health care provider before taking any extract of cnicus benedictus.

Blessed thistle contains chemicals called tannins, which might help with diarrhea, cough, and swelling. People use blessed thistle for indigestion, infections, wounds, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses. Don't confuse blessed thistle with milk thistle.

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